Economic, budgetary and financial information
This section shows you all the information about budgets, most recent approved annual accounts, auditors’ reports, open accounts, loans, securities, guarantees and leasing transactions.
Regional Law 16/2016, of 11 November, on Open Accounts, declares the following accounts to be open and accessible: all the accounts opened in financial entities of the Administration of the Regional Community of Navarre, public bodies that are related or answer to same, public companies, public foundations and public sector bodies as defined within the terms of article 2 of Regional Law 11/2012, of 21 June, on Transparency and Open Government and the Public University of Navarre.
Regional Decree 69/2017, of 19 July, regulates the publication of information on the bank accounts of the administration of the Regional Community of Navarre and its bodies, and public companies and foundations that are associated with or that answer to same.
See Sodena’s open accounts here.
Sodena currently has no financial transactions open.