Consolidation and growth

Consolidation and growth

At Sodena we use the venture capital instrument to launch, grow and consolidate existing companies.

Sodena in these cases is an active partner, unlike a lender or stock market investor. It is involved, without intervening in the day-to-day operational processes, in decision-making in the management bodies and is willing to assume greater risk than a financial/credit institution.

This financial and strategic support is aimed at small and medium-sized enterprises with growth potential and requiring an investment of more than 400,000 euros to carry out different actions:

  • Progress in the development stages of their products until they reach the market.
  • Growth organically and inorganically, through acquisitions of other companies.
  • Integration projects with other companies or businesses.
  • Shareholder changeover.
  • Establishments of foreign companies requiring a local partner.
  • Management buyout (MBO) or management buyout (MBI).

The characteristics of our participation in projects in the expansion launch phase are as follows:

  • Take-up up to 45 %.
  • Maximum term of 12 years.
  • Presence on the Board of Directors.
  • Divestment foreseen under the corporate agreement.
  • Possibility of equity loan convertible into capital.

In certain cases this support may be complemented by the granting of equity loans under the following conditions:

  • Interest rate composed of a fixed component plus a variable component linked to indicators of the company’s business and sometimes indicators of socioeconomic impact.
  • Considered as equity for the purposes of capital reduction and liquidation of companies provided for in commercial legislation.
  • Financial profitability for the property is not very high but it is for a lender (possible to get it if combined with capital).
  • Subordinated loans.
  • They may be capitalized.
  • They may entail a presence on the Board of Directors.

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