Ordinary loans and guarantees
We also provide financial support to companies located in Navarre through ordinary loans and guarantees
Ordinary loans
- Nature of the loans: ordinary loans, in this case with a guarantee.
- Beneficiary entities: companies (all types of companies, regardless of age or size) that carry out their economic activity in Navarre (any activity wthis the exception of the real estate and financial sector), with no overdue debts with the public administrations.
- Eligible events: the maintenance of the activity, investments and as many purposes as are necessary to support the development of the companies established in Navarre or to accompany the constitution of new initiatives in our territory or the transfer of already existing initiatives to our territory. Therefore, they can include both investments and working capital.
- Maximum amount: depending on the type of program, the loans are limited to the ceiling of budget availability and parliamentary authorization and the maximum amount of 10 million established in the DF 216/2019.
- Maximum duration: fixed according to the needs of the beneficiary entities. However, for medium-term operations it will be a maximum of 7 years with two grace periods (2+5) and for long-term operations, a maximum of 12 years with 2 to 4 grace periods (2+10; 4+8). The grace period will be a maximum of 4 years.
- Interest rate: the minimum interest rate is 50% of the lowest rate at which the Government of Navarre has carried out debt operations.
Direct guarantees
- Beneficiary entities: companies (all types of companies, regardless of age or size) that carry out their economic activity in Navarre (any activity except for the real estate and financial sector), with no overdue debts with the public administrations
- Financeable events: to guarantee the financing granted by third parties for the maintenance of the activity, the realization of investments and as many purposes as necessary to support the development of the companies established in the Comunidad Foral or to accompany the constitution of new initiatives in our territory or the transfer to our territory of already existing initiatives. They may include guarantees for investment financing such as working capital or debt refinancing.
For information about maximum amounts per guarantee, duration, cost, study and opening commission and guarantees: get in touch with Sodena